Dental Sealants

Daily brushing and flossing are essential for keeping your child's teeth cavity-free, but cleaning your child's teeth perfectly can be difficult. The tiny pits and deep grooves on your child's molars (the chewing teeth) are particularly difficult to clean. They are susceptible to cavities because they can trap food and bacteria. According to the CDC, 9 of every 10 cavities occur in permanent molars. Fortunately, sealants can "seal off" these pits and grooves.

What Are Pediatric Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants for children are white coatings that help protect teeth from cavities. Sealants are painted onto the biting surface of molars and quickly harden into a solid barrier, preventing food and bacteria from entering the molars' difficult-to-clean pits and grooves.

Are Dental Sealants Necessary?

Dental sealants reduce the risk of cavities in the back teeth, which is where most cavities develop. According to the CDC, sealants reduce the risk of cavities in permanent molars by 80% for two years after application and protect against 50% cavities in permanent molars for up to four years.

Applying dental sealants early on can safeguard your child's teeth against cavities and avoid the necessity for more invasive dental treatments, such as fillings or crowns, down the line.

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How Are Dental Sealants for Kids Applied?

The procedure is painless and only takes a few minutes per tooth.

We will isolate the tooth after cleaning and drying it by inserting a soft, comfortable mouthpiece into your child's mouth. We will apply a special gel to the tooth and let it sit for a few seconds to roughen the biting surface. The slightly rough surface will aid in the adhesion of the sealant. We will then clean and dry the tooth again before simply painting the sealant onto the biting surface - no numbing or drilling required. Finally, we will harden the sealant with a special light and then rinse it with water.


When Should Dental Sealants Be Applied?

The first permanent molars of a child usually appear around the age of six, and the second permanent molars often come around the age of twelve. The American Dental Association and the National Institutes of Health of the United States Department of Health and Human Services both recommend sealing the first and second permanent molars as soon as they come in to help keep them cavity-free from the start.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to seal other teeth with pits and grooves, such as primary (or "baby") teeth with deep pits and grooves.

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

Dental sealants for children can last several years, depending on factors such as your child's tooth anatomy and oral hygiene practices. During regular dental checkups, your child's dentist Warrenton will inspect the condition of existing sealants. Your child's dentist can reapply sealants if they become chipped or worn.