Sedation Dentistry

Make Dental Visits Comfortable For Your Child

We understand that going to the dentist can be difficult for children of all ages, from toddlers to pre-teens and even teenagers.

We provide all sedation options so your child can feel comfortable and at ease while receiving the necessary dental care while sitting in the dental chair. We can decide which option is best for you and your child together.

We understand that going to the dentist can be difficult for children of all ages, from toddlers to pre-teens and even teenagers.
We provide a variety of sedation options to help your child receive their dental care. Dr.Jennifer Woodside is a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist. Her top priority is to ensure the safety and comfort of your child during every visit. With her, you will decide which option is best for your child.


When to Consider Sedation?

Dr. Jennifer Woodside is a specialist in Pediatric Sedation Dentistry and is Board Certified. Our top priority is to ensure the safety and comfort of your child during every visit. We would be glad to discuss your options and determine if sedation is the best choice for your child.
There are various reasons for you to consider sedation, including:

Fear Of Needles

Numerous children experience a fear of needles, especially those used for oral numbing. Sedation can assist in overcoming this fear and ensures a relaxed experience for your child during the numbing procedure.

Dental Anxiety

An added advantage of sedation dentistry is that it minimizes the likelihood of future dental anxiety for your child. By providing a peaceful treatment experience, your child won't have negative associations with the dentist's chair. Subsequent visits to the dentist are expected to be less stressful.

Strong Gag Reflex

Furthermore, your child will experience greater comfort during dental procedures as their gag reflex is inhibited. The child will be comfortable while the dentist works inside their mouth with the gag reflex suppressed.

Low Pain Tolerance

Sedation can be a highly beneficial option for children with sensory sensitivities or a limited capacity for pain tolerance. It will ensure their comfort and confidence during any dental treatment.
There are various reasons for you to consider sedation, including:

Nitrous Oxide

While not considered a form of sedation, nitrous oxide is a gas that is breathed through the nose to safely reduce anxiety and produce analgesia. It may also be used to reduce the gag reflex.

Intravenous Sedation

At Woodside Pediatric Dentistry, we offer IV Sedation performed in the office by a Board Certified Anesthesiologist. This is a twilight sedation that allows the entire mouth to be treated at once. It is a great option for children that are pre-cooperative, have high anxiety, or have extensive treatment.

General Anesthesia

Dr. Woodside also has medical staff privileges at Fauquier Health hospital, where she is able to treat all of your child’s dental needs under General Anesthesia with a team of anesthesiologists, CRNAs, and nurses. This option is sometimes selected for complex medical conditions or if insurance prefers it.

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Is Sedation Safe?

Dr. Jennifer Woodside is a highly qualified pediatric dentist with specialized training in sedation dentistry. She employs safe and widely accepted medications by pediatric dentists globally, which carry minimal risks for side effects. Additionally, a consultation meeting will be held with both you and your child to discuss any health issues, current medication use, and other relevant health information.

We will inquire about your preferred method of sedation and, together, determine the most appropriate option for your child's needs. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any anxieties or reservations before the appointment. Our goal is to address your concerns and provide you with the answers you seek.